Friday, August 06, 2004
at this moment
at this moment...miss mc d's breakfast.
miss handmade noodles.
just woke up. (and have yet to hit the showers. eurgh)
lookin at my rabbit.. just laying there.
having a tummy ache.
ok gimme a min. nature calls.
ok back...
miss kel.
but meeting kel later. (yey!)
listening to jet. I LIKE.
rubbing my eyes.
miss printing stuff. (uh huh! i do!)
peace ctr.
bras basah.
hate to work. where ever it is.
alone at home.
feel like talking.
but lazy.
am contented with my life.
havent read in ages.
need to attend classes.
still missing sel. (thanks for the letter)
hate george.
hon's a bugger.
peg's cool. (she likes my work. yey!)
pete sam's corny full stop
miss ahmad.
miss shiqin.
i like milk.
and cereal.
majulah singapura.
i wanna post pics.
what to wear.
what to wear.
tired of typing.
:: let's do the - m o o n w a l k ::
i am nadi; :] at 10:28 AM
- at 2:01 PM said...
KLS: I think 'at the moment' you typed the above, you were bored, extremely.
- at 4:39 PM i am nadi; :] said...
hehe ditto din :)
- at 4:40 PM i am nadi; :] said...
hehe ditto din :)