Friday, August 06, 2004
i met him today. it was nice. that few mins we got :) still hasnt changed though... dont know if that's good or bad. but i like him the way he is.ngee ann is sooo much bigger than stupid tp. tp's so...restricted. finally met ahtu and carmel. and carmel had to ditch me for derrick's place!
carmel.... i is saaaad....
at the cousin's place now, waiting for kel to finish tution. gonna catch The Notebook in awhile. hopefully with perks too. so just wasting time in the meantime.
i dun believe perks is still going down to bukit merah for hon ah. dude, don't say i didn't warn you k! i swear, hon's getting psycho.
the little ones had sports day today. ahmad won his first trophy! way ta go bro :)
wat else...wat else...
wonder how chups is doing at work. thank god they don't need me today. today is rest day.
iv'e gotta really start saving up if i wanna make it to the cambodia expedition.
nad finally got her tagboard. wheee...
take my photo off the wall if it just won't sing for you cause all that's left has gone away and there's nothing there for you to prove...
:: let's do the - m o o n w a l k ::
i am nadi; :] at 4:59 PM