Saturday, August 28, 2004
weekend morning
mornin mornin mornin.was up pretty early, dont know why... anyhoo... that cheryl bugger called me back for the road show, but a little too last minute. already made plans for today, and tonight. wat a bugger. told her to let me know earlier, and the earliest she called me was on the mornin itself. bleah. gonna head down to the airport later with the family. yey. then hopefully meet K and starting to get addicted to this.
:: let's do the - m o o n w a l k ::
i am nadi; :] at 9:58 AM
- at 3:52 AM KLS said...
can i join the association?
- at 6:58 PM i am nadi; :] said...
ure most invited:) youre in it already actually... actually, ure a 'sidewalk gang'. You'll understand when i show u the whole picture :)
- at 10:45 PM KLS said...
sidewalk gang? sounds like belen-belen, very extra only...