Thursday, September 02, 2004


my heart aches.

it aches for the support and understanding of a friend. my prayers of wanting to go for an expedition have been answered and big sacrifices have been made for me to be able to go, and it bothers me that im still held back by a friend whom ive made plans with. so here i am, re-thinking my decision of whether to go for my most-awaited trip. i'm most probably still gonna go, mind you, im even skipping raya in Singapore, but guilt will be right behind me.

what would you do?

:: let's do the - m o o n w a l k ::

i am nadi; :] at 7:04 PM



at 8:17 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

raya is a day where we get all the good things that others out there lack. raya is just a day.

but the things that we'll do in Vietman will last a lifetime.

we can give up just one day for something that's gonna worth years down the road.

so leave guilt aside and you'll have fun. =)

trust me.


at 9:04 PM Blogger KLS said...

going to vietnam??? whoa! when? how long? how long you gona miss raya? are you gona miss the first day? it all depends on you nadi, and how and what raya means to you. personally, hari raya is just a day to celebrate our joys after fasting for a month, of coz the feeling of being together with your loved ones and relatives means alot as well and only comes once a year.

as for your trip, it's a once in a blue moon oppurtunity i guess. sacrifice has to be made, personally, im a family oriented guy, no matter how hard, i'll sacrifice the trip, just to be with my family on the first day of raya, coz that's the first day of a new year, asking for forgivness from everyone, starting afresh basically, i wouldnt want to miss that for anything. places, you can go anytime.

im not telling you not to go, it depends on what type of person you are and what type of family you have, if they're fine and understanding about it, then fine, go then. basically what im saying is, which ever choice you make, dont regret and let it be guilt-free.

at 10:28 PM Blogger i am nadi; :] said...

thanks guys :)
after much thinking... i think i'll most prob go.
not cos im not a family person, i am actually. i have a big family which i am very bonded with, and raya together (esp on the first day) means a lot to me. but then again, ive gotten their love every single year for the last nineteen years of my life, and yes, it would be hard to not spend it with them, but i think that this is not just a chance not for me to help the people there, but a chance for the people there to be able to experience what they have never. that is, our culture, and the love we exchange during such a day.

chei. moving sei. *whoa*

at 10:31 PM Blogger i am nadi; :] said...

oh, by the way din, where've u been? its an expedition held by the school! theyve been having the exhibiton for the last 2 days near the canteen there. anyway, yep, it starts on the 7th till... i think 28th (nov). so yep, raya will be spent there.

at 10:43 PM Blogger KLS said...

haha yeah i realised it was the exhibition held in sch seconds after i posted my reply above. honest, i bought the postcards! well, im glad you made up your mind, you're going there for a good cause, so dont waste it. make full use of your time there.


at 6:34 AM Anonymous Anonymous said...

with guilt, you wont have fun.

yeap, raya is only one day. we'll always another next year. =D

see you later.


at 10:58 PM Blogger KLS said...

Alrite naddy, no regrets, thats the spirit! take care down there and do what you're suppose to do there. When ah you going?

at 12:31 AM Blogger i am nadi; :] said...

yaaa Allah din...
how many times must i say, 7th Nov...and in case u ask, its till the 30th. :)
thanks for the support dude :)
yep....does what im supposed to do there include me buying u souveniers?? hehe


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