Sunday, August 14, 2005

its storming out there.

(ok, not storming, just raining like mad)


im gonna bring this issue up for one last friggin time and after that, in no mind will i have an encore.

it takes 2 hands to clap (ok, but in this case, its more than just 2. heh). the word compromise used to have much more meaning and use. if you think you, being as hardheaded than you already are, have more say to this, just because you think you have an upperhand in the language, well youre wrong hun. it takes an idiot to miss what youre trying to say. he got your frggin point. this subject happened months back, and if only at this point then you decide to study it, you might as well just wrap up and go.

*notice the yous in italics. theyre meant to emphasize you. just the way you like it. when everything is all about you. its all about you. its all about you. its all about frggin you.

i am nadi; :] at 12:33 PM



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