Saturday, January 21, 2006

out of curiosity, i tried this out. its from one of those fortune telling machines you find along the streets where you stick your hand in the machine's mouth (yes the machine has a mouth!) and somehow, its mouth will taste the fortune of my life.
here's what it says, in case you cant really see (the ones in red are my personal comments on how good this machine's taste buds are).
THE MOUTH OF TRUTH tells you that
1. You often prefer quantity to quality where food is concerned.
well, if youre talking abt pre-menstrual, yes, give me any amount of food and i'll be more than glad to gobble it down. ooo boy, will i. i'll gobble it down like a fat kid gobble cake. on other days, i dont really eat that much. *shurgs*
2. You have an excellent capacity for recovery.
it really depends what im suffering from in the first place. but my patience can usually take a load of crap. so yes, i have space for crap, and space to recover from crap, so bring it on.
3. You are unparalleled where precision logic and analysis are concerned.
yea... i hit bull's eye most times.
4. The opposite sex is emotionally susceptible to your charm and will often help you.
heh. no shit?
5. You find it difficult to apply yourself to something constructive and you rapidly lose interest in what you are doing.
no comments, you stupid machine.
the chart at the bottom is a rating of my life life, love life, luck life, health life and sex life from 1-9 (dont ask why they didnt just make it 10). lady luck is in the house. and like i have always said, i have no life. so my life life, ranks the lowest at a 3.
ok, back to reality.
i am nadi; :] at 4:45 PM
- at 4:59 AM i am nadi; :] said...
haha ok firstly, it was out of HERWIN's curiosity, and i just kinda became the scapegoat.
secondly, i kid you not hun. seven friggin twinklin little stars. now, who wouldve known.- at 2:41 PM said...
Haha, can't believe you wasted your money on this shit. If you have love and luck (plus gd sex life), then how the hell can you have no life? Fucking ripoff sia this stupid thing, coz the net has abundance of such 'fortune telling' which is for free! haha.
- at 1:11 AM i am nadi; :] said...
its wasnt my dollar that was wasted. hehe :)