Thursday, May 04, 2006
im beginning to think (or hope, rather) that maybe its just my screen that's giving me this problem. so im just gonna post whatever anyway.
ive always enjoyed girls and coffee. both seperately and together :) while stocks last.
cos its 2am and a week, and im still thinking of you.
but we never stood a chance.
that, always bounces back to me.
i need more than just gal-pal. so give me novocaine (and my blue rabbit).
its hard when the few that keep lingering (in my mind that is) in ignorance, overpower the many that you forget.
the refrigerator died on us. so now, when i open the fridge just to check the status of this hunger, i see nothing. which without question, makes me a much hungrier gal-number-two.
emo thoughts and hunger dont match :(
we dont either.
i am nadi; :] at 2:06 AM
- at 10:49 PM said...
i likey!!!
the fonts especially. for a moment i thought i am Abu Halili...