Monday, May 08, 2006
Main Entry: hel·loPronunciation: h&-'lO, he-
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural hellos
Etymology: alteration of hollo
: an expression or gesture of greeting -- used interjectionally in greeting, in answering the telephone, or to express surprise.
it was a surprise. what came after was a bigger surprise.
Main Entry: 1sur·prise
Variant(s): also sur·prize /s&(r)-'prIz/
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French, from feminine of surpris, past participle of surprendre to take over, surprise, from sur- + prendre to take -- more at PRIZE
1 a : an attack made without warning
b : a taking unawares
2 : something that surprises
3 : the state of being surprised : ASTONISHMENT
who ever said hellos and surprises were anything good.
cos you had me at hello.
and whatever came after,
was a surprise,
not worthy of the word itself.
so hello to yourself mister.
i am nadi; :] at 2:19 AM