Monday, July 17, 2006
my body stopped functioning for a good 2 minutes just now. and i mean really dead-man's-mass-cannot-move kind of stop functioning. it was kinda like full-on pins&needles overload. it didn't shock me or worry me that much though cos ive been having irregular meals (or rather no meals on certain days), and hardly any sleep, and i guess my health was taking a toll on me. but its okay lah, seriously. its quite motivating that i can lose 3kilos in say, one and a half (ok lets make it two) days. its not that im starving myself or any of that sort, but theres just too much going on these days that food really is the last thing on my mind. and if it does, it'll be about 2 or 3 am in the morning, and then, i'll be too lazy to eat.having said this, im starting to feel kinda hungry. i shall go heat up some fish soup and maybe do some work.
there is no fish in my soup!
i was watching armageddon earlier and let me tell you keks, i will cry and cry and cry no matter how many bloody times i watch it. its so bloody sad lah.
and liv tyler is friggin hot. friggin friggin friggin hot.
im having thoughts about converting to livejournal.
i am nadi; :] at 11:48 PM