Sunday, July 16, 2006
so im stuck in reverse somewhere, with history on re-wind, with just a change of character and situation. well actually, the situations about the same, more or less. i mean how different could it be.sigh sigh sigh.
im too drained out about whats gonna come out of it this time, and i hardly wanna spend any extra time even brooding about it, but i cant help but feel torn in between strangers and friends.
yes, strangers and friends, with no line drawn in between. i guess communication is the way to go (alright! com-youu-nee-kayyy-sheerrnnn! yes yes.) but there are doubts about it too. too much to say, and too little to say, what to say, and what not to say. but i guess it boils down to trusting noone but yourself and knowing whats ethically right in your mind. if being selfish is the way to go, then be it. cos thinking about others around you will only leave you with nothing 'cept nothingness. and how cool is nothingness? too damned faaar from cool i say. so forget your expectations (for those with any), erase the line between strangers and friends (cos there aint no line dammit! your friends can be bloody strangers!), and mayyyybe go read some books. cos maybe when you do, only then will you see the world, wide lens style. say hello to the world, and whatever back to you.
on another note, friends being strangers and strangers being friends, leaves you only with, what you call true friends. as cliche as it may sound, there will always be that small number of friends that stick by you through thick and thin (and for better or worse), whom you can always count on to 'go toilet with you'. these are the only pple worth giving a second thought about, the only people worth lending fifty cents to for teh tarik, the only pple you would drive home if you had a car, the only pple whom you should shed a tear or two for.
so since the situation ended abruptly, so will this. we'll wait and see where this goes.
im gonna go write my dissertation.
whatever and bye.
i am nadi; :] at 12:23 AM
- at 1:10 AM sofi hasan said...
omg. that's like your longest entry ever laaaaa... haha.. okie. read my blog?if not, quick quick!!! and reply asap k! :)
- at 1:33 AM i am nadi; :] said...
hehe i read already lah.. i wannnntt haha i really dont know actually. i'll let you know soon lah eh. hehe.