Thursday, September 07, 2006

grr. okay so the first pitch for our publication wasn't a disaster, but thats our first goodbye to the $100,000 publishing deal. kelly, editorial director of pageone publishing, commended our efforts for putting up a pretty good presentation and atmosphere. for those of you who's never heard of kelly cheng, here's a little insight; small in frame, she is the editorial director of the very well-known pageone publishing. a prominent figure in the design scene, frequently featured in various media, she is also a regular member in the judging panels for both local and international design competitions. she also sits on various advisory panels, including her recent appointment to the Communications Advisory Group of The National Art Gallery.

ok so i cut and paste that little bit about her lah. but so what. its true.

on a personal note, she single-handedly shot us dead at the pitch. shot us dead with us wanting to be more alive than ever before. a VERY, yes VER-RY, inspiring woman, who knows her shit, and can spot ours within a blink. she left us thinking with a whole string of thoughts after our presentation, on what the real world really wants. by the looks of it, she shot the lecturers down too. her words were so full of substance that even till now, bits of her critical review is still playing in my head. bang! bang! ergh. fuck lah. we did good, and we all know that we badly, desperately want to clinch this publishing deal. i mean imagine the damn exposure man! ok so we'll work our asses for the next month for our 2nd pitch.

kelly, we'll see you again in october. we want the $100,000.

oh and for the record, johnny lau, creator of Mr. Kiasu (cmon you all know mr kiasu dont you??), another very talented man (but really tough to work with, and im not kidding on this), is sort of our mentor for this publication, and without him, i dont think we'll even be close to smelling kelly's door.

okay okay. i wanna see our damned book in the shelves dammit!

i am nadi; :] at 11:31 PM



at 12:03 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think it's really cool to have outsiders coming in to see your work. it's a bit like the real working world isn't it? just work doublly-hard for the next one :) all the best!

at 5:03 PM Blogger i am nadi; :] said...

yep it sure is :) nafa has pretty good opportunites when in school. i mean its not easy to get hold of kelly cheng to come look at your work!

meet up soon yah :)


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