Saturday, October 28, 2006
i am nadi; :] at 3:37 AM
- at 12:41 AM said...
eh nadi. looking at ur family pic eh. somehow, i dun see u as the eldest siak. really. maybe the number 3. lol
- at 11:54 AM Unknown said...
im the eldest dammit!
i tell u ah, everywhere i go, ppl all think im either the youngest or the 3rd.
sad story lah. haha.- at 7:58 PM said...
well see again, the lace on your dress looks like the cloth on the table in this pic. really.
- at 11:38 PM i am nadi; :] said...
dude, like what are you, blind?
- at 6:18 PM said...
oh, i thought YOU are.
in words, fashion blind? i don't know. i trust that u have better sense of fashion!