Tuesday, February 13, 2007
finally finally finally, i got to try some donuts from donut factory today. si hui and ian did the pleasure of queueing up for almost 3 hours, for our 24 donuts. i heard they were pretty damned good, even though i know that you cant get donuts as good as good ol' krispy kreme, but i just had to give them a shot lah. cos well, there has to be someting to satisfy my krispy kreme cravings in spore right?and i was right. nothing beats good ol' krispy kreme. maybe im being biased. i dont know, it could be because i didnt get to try the original glazed ones or maybe i just picked the wrong flavours, but i got to try at least 3 diff flavours, and none of them were as good as krispy kreme's. and im totally against local flavours in ang moh food. no kaya, no durian ok. not in ang moh food. u want fusion, go fuse somewhere else. in fact, i think i even prefer dunkin donuts to this. at least theyve got yummy custard filled bavarian. baaah.
i am nadi; :] at 9:48 PM