Sunday, February 04, 2007

its been a crazy, crazy, crazy weekend and now im exhausted to the bone, right down to those of the bacteria thats left on my body. from the miscommunications to the running back and forth for forgotten items, to the late night meetings with the groom, to brother wearing eyeliner, to riding in a convertible with zikry screaming at my back, to zikry actually screaming more than just at my back and me running around like a mad woman as a guest with no qualms abt how glamourous i looked, to watching football and rooting for singapore, and the endless complaints from all the wans. so its back to schoolwork for me now, and no more family time cos i really dont have the energy to juggle both. nek imah's family is not an easy one to handle ok. each person requires a whole load of energy to withstand well, each other. right from the redha's and the rifki's to the mak esah's and pak haris'.

but alhamdulillah its finally over and the newly weds will head off to hawaii this tuesday. HAWAII!!! and while daddy-o packs for korea, i can only just sit, watch, and run my korean lines in my head, with not just a sulk on my face, but a korean sulk :( :( :(

ok pictures once i get them from sofi and jun.

i am nadi; :] at 11:22 PM



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