Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Apple changed their home page.
A little too 'boring corporate' dont you think? I get the whole minimalistic simplicity, but this is just a little too boring, considering its apple. Anyway, theyre most prolly catering to a wider audience now (including cool to the mool tai tai aunties), so im guessing the layman will need to find their way around the website. Well not that it was difficult to navigate the old site, but i supposed this new layout is a little more light to the eyes. light and boring.
ok bye.
i am nadi; :] at 11:40 AM
- at 3:03 AM said...
eh i don't like it too.
- at 9:44 PM KLS said...
I think it's faster, sleeker and sexier. Web design wise, top notch. In terms of visuals, could be more appealing. But the tai-tais will never fathom style and structure, they're just into the products!
- at 10:29 PM i am nadi; :] said...
definitely faster, i wldnt say sleeker, but simpler. and NOT sexier. not for me that is. dont get the hots from it.
but yea, what do tai tais care eh. all they want is a lime green ipod in their christian dior tote.- at 12:11 AM Unknown said...
its not boring la. they are portalising. the current trend now. portalllllssss!!! my gawd.
- at 11:11 PM KLS said...
It's sexier. Why? Cos I took a peek under the blouse and damn it's hot. I'm talking about the code, very neatly coded, with proper semantics, accessibility and usability issues all covered. They're using Web Standards and finally properly utilising all the right web design techniques baby. Hence, the notice in increase of speed download.
< / end geek talk >- at 11:16 PM Nadiah Sulaiman said...
Huh? I lost my train of thought right after reading whatever's been mentioned. Thanks.
- at 11:15 PM i am nadi; :] said...
din, you and aisha can geek talk and drool over web standards and portals, while me and nad drool over... well the iphone, and how it will fit like a glove into our balenciagas and mullberrys :)